(too old to reply)
William Brownstein
2016-11-09 17:31:46 UTC
A new beginning
We saw the attacks and lies here.

Anyone who knows me for the last 15 to
20 years knows I'm not a racist.

The person who mentioned things I said
in my Twitter account under the name I use,
@ILikeOldThings, said I hate ALL Muslims.
The irony is he never said one word when
another person posted here constantly
attacking Muslims, Christians and my own
Jewish religion. I did though.

I was forced out of my residence a couple
of years ago by a Muslim family though.
The husband and wife both physically
assaulted me after I brought charges
against him. He said things to me that he
hates all gays and they should all be killed.
He also said to me that Obama and all
black people are Niggers.

I stood up to him and was harassed.

A gay friend of mine, about a year older
than my father, who I have known about
20 years, said deragatory things about
Blacks and said all Muslims should be
rounded up and sent to concentration
camps and be gassed. I no longer talk
to him. He is a Trump supported and
stated those things to me when I had
some disagreements with him over
Trump and things he was saying.

Over the last year and most recently this
person has attacked me here as you all
saw and accused me of being racist, as
well as bring up things from over 20 years
ago, under desperation. This so called
"Unnamed Democrat" couldn't even come
out of the closet and confront me in the
place he saw my thoughts, words and
views. The irony is how open and proud
he always stated he was here.

A big relief today and a new start.
Obama doesn't live up to a good legacy.
He and Hillary have done great harm.

The lies about healthcare will now be repelled
and the Supreme Court will not destroy our
rights and freedoms.

Her campaign tried to paint Trump as Bill
Cosby and backfired. Half this country
saw Hillary Clinton for the liar she is and
the voters have answered.

Jobs wifi return
Immigration will be done legally
Terrorists will be dealt with
Religious rights with those that differ
will be respected.

Donald Trump made history as the first
elected president with no political experience.
That is a good thing for both of the two
political parties in this country. Unlike the
change we were promised 8 years ago, we
will now get the change over a government
that many are fed up with and a person who
isn't afraid to say exactly what he feels.

All of this should benefit both sides. Obama
made a country more powerful in developing
nuclear weapons that hate us and who executes
gays. You won't see that under a Trump
administration. Our military will come back
stronger than ever and our Veterans will not
be ignored with healthcare. Our brave law
enforcement will return to being respected
and racial divide will hopefully go away.

I'm certainly open to something new rather
than the horrible abuse that we have seen play
out over the last 8 years.

With that being said, I feel everything needed
to be said here has been said and I can't
think of a better way to go out than this.

I really don't care if this person continues
to post things here that I said somewhere
else. He and his political party have proven
to be liars that will say anything to get there
way. I'm at peace with myself and feel a
breath of fresh air and relief today for our
great country.

Take care everyone
2016-11-09 19:40:50 UTC
Post by William Brownstein
A new beginning
We saw the attacks and lies here.
Anyone who knows me for the last 15 to
20 years knows I'm not a racist.
The person who mentioned things I said
in my Twitter account under the name I use,
@ILikeOldThings, said I hate ALL Muslims.
The irony is he never said one word when
another person posted here constantly
attacking Muslims, Christians and my own
Jewish religion. I did though.
I was forced out of my residence a couple
of years ago by a Muslim family though.
The husband and wife both physically
assaulted me after I brought charges
against him. He said things to me that he
hates all gays and they should all be killed.
He also said to me that Obama and all
black people are Niggers.
I stood up to him and was harassed.
A gay friend of mine, about a year older
than my father, who I have known about
20 years, said deragatory things about
Blacks and said all Muslims should be
rounded up and sent to concentration
camps and be gassed. I no longer talk
to him. He is a Trump supported and
stated those things to me when I had
some disagreements with him over
Trump and things he was saying.
Over the last year and most recently this
person has attacked me here as you all
saw and accused me of being racist, as
well as bring up things from over 20 years
ago, under desperation. This so called
"Unnamed Democrat" couldn't even come
out of the closet and confront me in the
place he saw my thoughts, words and
views. The irony is how open and proud
he always stated he was here.
A big relief today and a new start.
Obama doesn't live up to a good legacy.
He and Hillary have done great harm.
The lies about healthcare will now be repelled
and the Supreme Court will not destroy our
rights and freedoms.
Her campaign tried to paint Trump as Bill
Cosby and backfired. Half this country
saw Hillary Clinton for the liar she is and
the voters have answered.
Jobs wifi return
Immigration will be done legally
Terrorists will be dealt with
Religious rights with those that differ
will be respected.
Donald Trump made history as the first
elected president with no political experience.
That is a good thing for both of the two
political parties in this country. Unlike the
change we were promised 8 years ago, we
will now get the change over a government
that many are fed up with and a person who
isn't afraid to say exactly what he feels.
All of this should benefit both sides. Obama
made a country more powerful in developing
nuclear weapons that hate us and who executes
gays. You won't see that under a Trump
administration. Our military will come back
stronger than ever and our Veterans will not
be ignored with healthcare. Our brave law
enforcement will return to being respected
and racial divide will hopefully go away.
I'm certainly open to something new rather
than the horrible abuse that we have seen play
out over the last 8 years.
With that being said, I feel everything needed
to be said here has been said and I can't
think of a better way to go out than this.
I really don't care if this person continues
to post things here that I said somewhere
else. He and his political party have proven
to be liars that will say anything to get there
way. I'm at peace with myself and feel a
breath of fresh air and relief today for our
great country.
Take care everyone
You're still a self hating racist, and you obviously care very much what is posted here. You're about to find out what you really voted for, ironically a day before the Crystal Night Observance. I have not figured out what the over / under is on when you turn on Trump, but when I do I will post it. I see by your rants in your twitter feed your meltdown continues. We will all continue to watch you unravel as your fantasies of the big white dictator are left unfulfilled. You too take care. Surely you will be soiling other punch bowels as you swirl about.
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