William Brownstein
2016-08-06 01:12:00 UTC
One thing I love about Levin is that he always speaks his mind. He doesn't care whether it is popular among his party or not nor which side. This time he says what many are feeling but not saying much. Obama and his hired help are the lowest of manure out there:
Mark Levin cuts John F. Kerry and Obama to pieces on Iran ransom https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/08/mark-levin-cuts-john-f-kerry-and-obma-to-pieces-over-iran-ransom
Mark Levin cuts John F. Kerry and Obama to pieces on Iran ransom https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/08/mark-levin-cuts-john-f-kerry-and-obma-to-pieces-over-iran-ransom